Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Site of Mount Wayang

WORD in Mount Wayang puppet in the south of Bandung that was not derived from the wayang (puppet) as we know it today. Puppet here comes from the word wa, which means wind or breezy, and who or hyang meaning god. So, the word puppet who becomes the name of this mountain means divine wind or a gentle wind gods, which characterizes the image of the beauty of playing on the timeless nature.Mount Wayang has been known for a long time, since Bandung human ancestor worship his Lord in the silence of the scenic nature. Dr. N.J. Krom (1914) reported that in one of the top of Mount Wayang there are several statues of the rock is coarse workmanship, and there are 40 other statues. In one grave there were shards of pottery, stone axes, and pottery.N.J. Krom also reported near the upstream Ci Tarum there are urns and a statue with a crown (like an ancient cannon). On the Plantation Kina Argasari, Pacet, there are trenches formed neat defense. When viewed from above, there are regular patterns that follow the line of heights then dipapas for defense. The situation is still awake, except at a few places that had been used for breeding as well as some coffee houses that lined the southern direction.Bujangga Manik, wandering monks from the Kingdom of Sunda the 15th century, on the way home from the holy expedition around the island of Java and Bali, took time to visit the shrine on Mount Wayang.In the palm leaves Bujangga Manik wrote:Mount Sembung Sacunduk ka,Eta huluna Tarum Ci,On the Inya Aing ditapa,Sambian ngeureunan Palay,Tehering nyanghara puja,Puja-pugu pugu hello,Tehering nanjeurkeun phallus.Realize Aing ti InyaAing Leumpang ngidul-ngetan,Marijung Meuntasing in Ci,Carengcang Meuntasing in Ci,Meuntas Aing in Ci Santi,Sananjak ka Gunung Wayang.This shows, that Mount Wayang and its surroundings is very well known for a long time. In the 1930's Pangalengan has become a tourist attraction famous for its picturesque natural scenery. Quality apples and cotton grow well here, plus beauty hotel, making Pangalengan became very famous.Nji Anah, Zangeres-Dichteres in Tjiandjoer, mamaos Cianjuran interpreter and author of Cianjur, writing Canto who later became a guidebook, Beschrijving van Pangalengan en Omstreken equipped with photographs and maps have large highly detailed.In Canto Sinom, Nji Anah wrote:Prosperous land PangalenganMun ku urang dikurilingAtawa ditingalianTi Palih wetan ngadingdingWatesna Mount BedilMount Gunung Wayang WinduNgantay so sajajarJiga pairing nu-processionCheck urang tea bade ka arangkat where?Tanah Makmur PangalenganIf we surroundOr simply viewedEast wallMount limit BedilMount Gunung Wayang WinduAs the procession flowedThe word we want to go where?In the book, was written sakakala Anah Nji Mount Wayang:Tersebutlah a descendant of Queen named Prince Keep Lawang. In his life he often meditated on the summit of Mount Wayang quiet. The Prince has a beautiful daughter unparalleled. Rare Ratnaningrum daughter, her name. He already has a candidate, the young offspring Galuh. Taruna Crow, his name, which is being forged to the diving life farming in the fertile valley Tarum Ci. Youth who are diligent, day farming, meditated night.Rice looks lush and the result would be much more than last season's harvest. It was agreed to get married with a daughter of her idol. As usual, he often meditated at the tomb of Nyi Kantri Manik upstream Tarum Ci. That night came a beautiful girl who looks nothing unrivaled. Midshipman startled crows. Secretly he fell in love with the girl, but pretty soon disappeared in the spring. Realized it was just a temptation, then he immediately came home. But his mind and his heart was still adrift in the upper reaches of the beautiful to the Ci Tarum.Rice yellowing, but not yet harvested. Apparently being in love to the Ravens Midshipman shadow of the beautiful. All felt strange, because the Prince is too often meditated on the upstream Ci Tarum so before sunset. It was not nothing to remind, but the youth had a very charming smile terpincut.Nyi Kantri Manik beautiful native girl who is hurt to the death for youth idol candidate does not keep their promises to unite. Now he always revenge and hate all the men off guard.The Prince has always reminded to immediately prepare for the wedding time is near. The long-cooked rice and then harvested. Large-scale preparation of marriage have been fulfilled. When the time came, the convoy moved toward the top of Mount Seserahan Puppet-law where the candidate resides.After grooms makeup, he begged himself to do Nadran upstream Tarum Ci. Arriving there, he sent retinue back and immediately to the summit of Mount Wayang, because he will soon follow. After the flowers rampe, jasmine and campaka stocked, across the visible Nyi Kantri Manik alluring smile. Deftly Midshipman Crow stood up, walked to where a smile that continues to expand. Crow Midshipman kept walking in the water until it sank into the shadows.In place of the bride, all anxiously waiting, to which the crow Midshipman? The group that followed to get the Prince was floating. Keep Prince Lawang very concerned. He was venting his grief by rummaging through what's in the kitchen. Hawu / fireplace and kitchen utensils thrown slam. Cooked food thrown until they run out, then formed the crater of Mount Wayang.Boiling water with lalab-formed crater Cibolang lalabannya thrown at Mount Windu. Rare Ratnaningrum daughter is very sad, and walked aimlessly. Apparently he was in the woods. Tears continued to pour blood. That which then forms a waterfall at Mount Bedil Cibeureum.Nayaga still expect the Prince to come will not go away, then transformed them into statues. Some tools tabuhnya cast, of which form the Mount Kedang. Deceased was buried in the Upper Crow Midshipman Tarum Ci. Meanwhile Prince Lawang forge Keep yourself gild liver, menghyang at Mount Seda, he is always looking for his beloved daughter home soon.Therefore do not be surprised, when the full moon is often heard the faint sound of the gamelan. That is the welcome procession of the groom. When visible smoke billowing Mount Wayang multilayered, that means the bride's family was busy cooking. Today, Mount Wayang-Windu was utilized their ground heat energy (geothermal), thus increasing the energy supply for Java-Bali. Geothermal here to longevity if the supply of water seep into the earth awake. Conversely, if a state forest in the catchment of rain water supplies continue to diminish, certain days will be reduced.

Source : http://arsip.bandungkab.go.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=102:gungunwayang&catid=54:situs&Itemid=93

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