Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Megalithic sites mountain Padang

First go into the first punden Mount Padang just a few steps away. However, the breath was held and very heavy after passing more than 350 stone steps. Too heavy for stepped foot.However, when the steps stop and catch your breath, to turn around, as far as the eye could see visible expanse of small hills of Sand Bead with tea plantations that like a green carpet. In the distance, mountain peaks visible Gede Pangrango thick white clouds."Gunung Padang megalithic site is an invaluable wealth to the West Java must be very clever and we manage it," said Vice Governor of West Java, H. Dede Yusuf before entering the first gate region punden megalithic site in Kampung Padang Mount Panggulan, Karyamukti Village, Kec. Campaka, Kab. CianjurFor those who first visited the area on megalithic sites covering 4,000 square meters and the largest in Southeast Asia, will surely be amazed. Strong winds that occasionally hit our bodies right now punden fifth (top punden) from the site estimated 3,500 years old, give an amazing experience that will not be forgotten.Gunung Padang megalithic site located at 50 kilometers southwest of the city of Cianjur Regency. Consisting of five terraces (levels) with the basic sites are at an altitude of 894 meters above sea level. Makers of building materials sites are large rocks andesite, basaltic andesite, and basalt pillars shaped by the dominant length of about 1 meter 20 centimeters in diameter dominant. The pillars of these rocks have the sides forming the shape of the dominant terms of many stone pillars forming 4 sides (tetragon) or 5 sides (pentagon). Each terrace has a different pattern of stone buildings according to function. The first terrace is a terrace with the widest number of rock's most lots. Both reduced the amount of stone terraces, the third to the fifth terrace is a terrace with a fewer number of rock again.Unlike many other megalithic sites, such as the Pyramids, Stonehenge, Machu Picchu or built for worship or heed (God) Sun, Gunung Padang site built entirely oriented to the Gunung Gede Pangrango. "This is evident from the pattern of asymmetric berundaknya punden buildings, not built symmetrically to all sides, but only to one side, namely Gunung Gede geomantik Parango who finished very strong and Gunung Padang for the site," said T. Bakhtiar, a member of the Society of Geography Indonesia.According to T. Bakhtiar, because Mount Padang staircase, a strong suspicion that the rock site is the location of worship, the more upward, the higher the level of purity.Meanwhile, to get to the area of ​​Mount Padang megalithic sites, get through two routes are easily reached using two-or four-wheeled vehicles, namely through Pal Two and Tegal Lemongrass, Kec. Warungkondang.Through roads should be taken Pal Two Highways Cianjur-Sukabumi, from the village of Warungkondang turned right toward Cipadang-Cibokor-Lampegan-Pal-Ciwangin Two-Cimanggu and Mount Padang. The streets through which is quite variable and passing tea plantation Mount BeadWhen the Road Tegal Lemongrass, should be pursued through the route Cianjur-Sukabumi Highway, turn left from Talbot Cireungas-Cibanteng-Rawabesar-Sukamukti-Cipanggulaan-Mount Padang. Through route Citronella Tegal, we will pass a dry Cimandiri River during the dry season. It would be very exciting when traveling with a group

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