Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Ranca Upas was no less with the other attractions in the South Bandung that the average accentuate the natural beauty of a charming, exotic, and hard to forget. If the Ranca Upas, the scenery of natural forest and plantation forest will dominate eye view of every visitors.
Upas Ranca region has the characteristics of the cool mountain air and domination that are still beautiful forest environment and sustainable. Such conditions would make the location Ranca Upas much attention from the tourists. So no wonder when the school holidays, weekends or holiday feasts Ranca Upas always filled with tourists who want to enjoy the atmosphere and feel of beautiful mountains.
Recreation Location
When exactly this location reakreasi used as a place for tourists? Around the 1980's Ranca Upas has become a place of recreation and camping. In this area there is an area of ​​three hectares are used for breeding deer. It thus would make Ranca Upas have plus points compared to other attractions.
The visitors can watch directly from the distance that was not too far off when the keepers feed the deer in the breeding area. Usually when the handler is about to call the deer will be doing a whistle as a sign that was beyond doubt by the deer. And within a short time the deer herd will be gathered.
Once the cue from the handler, the deer usually will soon come out of hiding. In addition to eating grass and water, deer also love to eat tubers, like yams and cassava. Time for the deer eat it every two o'clock in the afternoon. If it was not during mealtimes, the deer will not come out, hidden under a thick bush bush.
Stag horns longer and more frequently seen. While the doe, no horns and more often in hiding with her children.
Ranca deer breeding area within the travel of Pangalengan Upas about 15 km and 56 km from Bandung with a paved road conditions. Ranca Upas including tours in the area of ​​South Jakarta, West Java. Located near the tea plantations at the foot of Mount Patuha Rancabali, Ciwidey, West Java.

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