Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Mount Lalakon (The temple which has not been revealed)

The sun was almost on top of the crown, when four cars pulled over on the edge of Highway Soreang-Cipatik in mid February 2011. That afternoon, Kampung Badaraksa located on the hillside, the arrival of guests.The group was climbing down a small street in the middle of residential areas, heading to the summit of Mount Lalakon, located in the Village Jelegong, Kotawaringin district, Bandung regency.From Kampung Badaraksa at an altitude of about 720 m above sea level, they rushed up around the hill from the south to west.Carrying a variety of equipment and several large cable reels, the group split the mountain forests. Their footsteps with the rhythms sound as if chasing crickets, and katydid on either side.The team, consisting of a group of young people and researchers, it finally reached the peak as high as 988 meters above sea level.Extended cable. The team began installing geoelectric equipment they carry. A total of 56 sensors are fitted with an altimeter (gauge height) strung from the top of the hill down the slope, each five meters, powered by two electric batteries.Tools that serve to detect the level of rock resistivity, and can be used to analyze the structure of the density of rock hundreds of feet down. "Our goal was to know whether there are buildings hidden in the mountains," said General Ben Sutedjo, to VIVAnews, in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 15, 2011.***Great was the founder of the Foundation Turangga Seta, who has a loose organization of research on that mountain. Bak fictional character Indiana Jones, the crew did have a penchant Turangga Seta traces the history of hunting. Rather than on a desire to have, but uncovering the history of ancestral glories of the past.Communities that stand around 2004, fronted by a group of professionals in various fields. There are teachers, building contractors, civil servants, employees of private companies, as well as students. Some of them have more sensitivity to the presence of occult, or their cool term: parallel existence."We are all children of MIT. Not Masachussetts Institute of Technology, but Menyan Institute of Technology, "said a member of Turangga Seta Trikoyo Hery, joking. Because, in a witch-hunt against the historical sites, sometimes they get the information backing the location of the 'invisible informers'.However, because essentially they are the children who have higher education, their drive to prove that information, flowing. Quite often these 'private archaeologists' is out at night after working hours, to dig a place to prove the truth of their hypotheses.After they found the relic they mean, then they fill it back, unnoticed by the general public. "We're worried if known many people, even taken or stolen," said Agung.This time, their arrival to Mount Lalakon in order to prove their theory, that there are a number of pyramids in Indonesia. One of the initial information obtained from their interpretation of the temple reliefs Upgrading.Seta Turangga archipelago believe that culture is older than the Sumerian culture, Egypt, or Maya. Indonesia haqul sure they have a temple or pyramid sites that more and more magnificent than the Egyptian and Mayan civilizations."There are hundreds of pyramids in Indonesia, and the height is not less than the pyramids of Giza in Egypt is only 140-meter," said Agung. Although yet to be tested scientifically, Great view Similar to the theory of Professor Arysio Santos, who said Indonesia is the lost civilization of Atlantis. (See also: Archipelago harbored Atlantis?)This belief of course, makes many people wince. Turangga Seta had time to post their conviction pyramid affairs presence in Indonesia in an online forum. complete with photographs. The result, they reap scorn and ridicule. "Later, if everything is proven, they could no longer laugh," said Agung fiery.Great was probably boasted. But, it could not. After pengujian geoelectric at Mount Lalakon, the researchers who came with the Great cs. gobsmacked. They are not just any researcher. They are researchers on board. Some are experts renowned geologist, who no doubt his credibility. But because it comes in the person, their presence there would not be revealed.At least, their admiration was immortalized in a video footage belongs to the team who witnessed VIVAnews Turangga Seta. "So far I have never found such a subsurface structure. This is unnatural (not natural - red), "said geologist whose face often seen on various TV stations.Typically, a layer of soil or rock layers will spread evenly laterally or horizontally. But the test results stating there is a kind of geoelectric structure that has a shape like a pyramid, and on it there is a layer of rock and tuff breccia with a pattern of alternating turns.Tuff and breccia rock pattern is repeated crosswise rather than horizontally, with the same slope. "As if this pyramid dibronjong diuruk and deliberately, so as not to landslides," said Hery, who works as a consultant building contractor.In a subsequent follow-up video footage, geologists had been appointed a blue-colored formations. In the test results geoelectric, blue color signifies a place that has the lowest resistivity. "This may be a kind of cavity that can contain water or clay," geologists explained. Formation was a kind of door.What is clear, geologists continued, most likely the findings are man-made structure, because the natural process seemed likely to produce a pattern of such rocks. "It's clearly man-made," he said.VIVAnews had confirmed one of the geologists who participated in the research team to Mount Lalakon Turangga Seta. Initially he refused, and said he did not know anything existence of pyramid-like structure beneath Mount Lalakon. But lately he implicitly admits that."I have no comment," said the veteran geologist Andang Bachtiar to VIVAnews, Wednesday, February 23, 2011. Furthermore, the former Chairman of the Indonesian Geologists Association (IAGI) said the results of the analysis was still not able to conclude anything. There are still many things that need to be proved, said Andang.But Andang later admitted, in addition to Mount Lalakon in Bandung, he also accompanied the team Turangga Seta tested a similar hill in the area Sukahurip, Pengatikan, Garut regency, West Java.According to Agung, his team has done testing of geoelectric and seismic testing on 18 points at several places in Indonesia. In Bandung and Garut, they got more or less the same results. All similar: an indication of a pyramid-like structure at the bottom of the hill.The difference, in the hill-pyramid in Garut not found a cavity such as doors, like in Bandung. "Maybe because we only tested in one part of the hillside," said Hery Trikoyo. Unfortunately, Turangga Seta still shut their test results at other places.Seta Turangga claims there are still hundreds of other pyramids are scattered throughout Indonesia. One frontman Turangga other Seta, Timmy Hartadi, the Facebook page they say that the pyramids were scattered in Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua. (See Infografik)Claim the discovery of a pyramid hidden in the hills, not only in Indonesia. This claim is also briefly appeared in Bosnia. In 2006, an author named Semir Osmanagic claimed invention, and had said they found a pyramid hidden in the hill Visocica, the city of Visoko, which is located northwest of Sarajevo.Osmanagic said the excavation of the pyramid involves archaeologists from Australia, Austria, Ireland, Scotland and Slovenia. However, some archaeologists called Osmanagic rejected the claim.As quoted from the site Archaeology.org, archaeologists from Canada called Osmanagic, Chris Mundigler claimed never support or agree to work on the project. "This scheme is a vicious lie to the general public, and will never have a place in the world of science," said an official statement from the European Association of Archaeologists.What about the claims in the pyramid in Bandung and Garut?In geomorfologis, the shape of Mount Lalakon in Bandung and Garut in Mount Sadahurip does have a shape similar to a pyramid. They have four sides are almost symmetrical.Mount Sadahurip Main Page (Credit: Turangga Seta)"The shape is symmetrical it really so? Pointy very symmetrical, "said senior archaeologist Professor Edi Sedyawati, when encountered VIVAnews at his residence in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 23, 2011.However, said Edi, claims and test results of geoelectric still not enough to get a final conclusion. The next step is extracting the sampling experiment by loading a test bed to find out what is true there are indications of cultural layers and no traces of human activity or not."But this should really be asking permission of archaeological excavations of ancient asylum office and involving archaeologists, because there must be accountability and reporting, from millimeter to millimeter (mm, red)," said Edi Sedyawati.Seta Turangga seek any middle ground permit sampling at Mount Lalakon to the Government of West Java. "We just have to dig the soil at the site, about 3-4 meters wide with a depth of about 3 meters," said Agung.Stone Tread, Paseban Mountain, near Mount Lalakon BandungGunung Lalakon surrounded by several other hills as hills Paseban, Pancir, Paninjoan, Pasir Malang. On the hill Paseban there are three stones, two of which contained an adult human foot, and soles of the feet of children.According to Edi, if the right palm stone was a relic of history, this possibility is derived from the megalithic era. Palm stone has also been found elsewhere, such as Ciaruteun inscriptions, relics of the kingdom of King Purnawarman Tarumanegara. "Stamp your feet are usually enshrined as a monument to commemorate the leader of a region," said Edi.Stamp of the foot is also closely related to the concept Triwikrama or three steps that evolve in time. At that time, they believe if someone will ascend to the world of the gods, they should be kicked hard in order to be able to jump very high.Meanwhile, on Mount Lalakon there are also some sites of rock, such as Batu Lawang, Stone Pabiasan, Warung Batu, Batu Fertilizers, Renges Stone, Stone elephant, and a long rock that lies above the peak.Refer Abah, community leaders Badaraksa mountain village LalakonMenurut Refer Abah, community leaders Badaraksa Village, philosophically, Mount Lalakon are symbolic of a play of human life. The stones were representing a variety of plays or profession chosen by humans.However, the existence of the stones had been often misused. Many people come to place a stone on Mount Lalakon looking pesugihan. In fact, according to Jujun, Islamic religious leaders in that place, had many people come to Batu Gajah sought inspiration gambling tail. "Many of them managed to win," said Jujun.Jujun explained, at Mount Lalakon routinely also held a ritual ceremony starting reinforcements, namely by making the rice cone and then distributed and eaten by the population. "This event is held every year, usually every 1st Syuro."Unlike the tradition in Mount Lalakon, the communities around Mount Sadahurip relatively more 'modern'. According to Nana, of Kampung Pasir Cicapar, Mount Sadahurip nearest village, there was no tradition of starting reinforcements. The community is also not too concerned with the myth of the mountain in the past.Expert on the history of the Padjadjaran University, Prof. Dr. Nina Herlina Lubis, said in Tatar Sunda covering West Java, Banten, Jakarta, and part of Central Java province, especially the highlands such as the South Jakarta, Cianjur, Sukabumi, Bandung, Garut, Kuningan, and Bogor, many found relics of megalithic culture. Relics-the remains of which were in the form of stone menhirs, building terraces, stone mortar, stone coffin tomb, the stone dakon, and megalithic statues.However, Nina explains, the history of the Tatar Sunda not recognize the pyramid because there was no custom in Tatar Sunda makes building a pyramid with a height of nearly hundreds of yards as a holy place. "The shrine in Tatar Sunda is often called a multi-component sites or sustainable sites," said Nina via electronic mail to VIVAnews.When in prehistoric times sacred places are known as punden staircase-steps, where ancestor worship, then when the Hindu Buddhist culture (who lived during Tarumanegara and the Kingdom of Sunda kingdom), the sanctuary continued to be used.It's just used as a menhir phallus, and then realized by building terraces and even then the mountain upon which was built phallus. When the Sunda kingdom collapsed, the phallus was replaced with a headstone for the grave which is considered sacred figures.When told at the hill-pyramid Bandung and Garut no sacred tomb, and the family descendants of Sheikh Abdul Muhyi, propagator of Islam in the region of East Priangan, who lived two centuries after the Kingdom of Sunda collapsed, Nina tried to make the conclusions and analysis."I suspect that this pyramid-shaped hill, is a mandala (the hermitage of independent village located in remote places), which was mixed with a culture that came later (ie Hindu-Buddhist-Islamic)," said Nina.However, to uncover what really lay behind the pyramid-shaped hill, said Nina, geologists have to work with archaeologists to conduct excavations (disclosure).The story about the discovery of the pyramid structure of the hill is apparently already up again to the Presidential Palace. An official at the presidential circle, has reportedly confessed to VIVAnews affairs research. For more information about this, he asked not be named, considering that research has not been completed."Yes, I've seen the analysis of geoelectric and georadar it. I watched it in three dimensions. Amazing, and still mysterious. The research team was led by geologists reliable, "said the official, again, last Wednesday.But officials would not explain the details of the invention. The geologists, he said, did not want disclosed to the public. "Still be explored by their research team, but the results are, indeed astonishing," he said.He describes, from the pyramid-shaped structure geolisitrik looked at the hill. There are terraces, like steps to the top of the pyramid. At the bottom, there is a door, and also something that looks like the hallway in it.He added, experts believe that there is a kind of unusual geologic structures in the mountain resembles a pyramid. The geologist, said the courtiers, risking their scientific credibility. "We'll wait. If research and scientific evidence is complete, it will be opened to the public ".Maybe this is a pretty tense waiting period. Is there a hill is just a fairy tale-style pyramid Bosnian pyramids are repeated, or indeed a glorious revelation of the existence of a great civilization in the archipelago that has not been revealed? (NP)

Source : http://sorot.vivanews.com/news/read/206599-berburu-piramida-di-nusantara

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