Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011


Angklung is a traditional Indonesian musical instrument made of bamboo. A Angklung consists several bamboo tubes (depending on function) of different height and diameter to achieve the desired tone harmony. A angklung melody usually consists of two tubes that produces tones an octave adrift, while angklung accompaniment (accompagnement) consists daritiga or even four-cylinder that is played depends accord. These tubes are then attached to a frame of bamboo to form a complete musical instrument Angklung. A angklung only produce one note, so to play a song it takes some set of Angklung played by many people. Less is more like a choir in bringing a song. To play it, we simply shake or vibrates.Angklung is believed to originate from the island of Java, particularly the Sunda land. Some notes from Europeans who traveled to the land of Sunda in the 19th century says that in this area are often seen "game" Angklung by local people. Angklung is also known in other areas in Java, but on the ground Sundanese musical instrument is more popular. At first, traditional Angklung used by the villagers at that time as part of a ritual to the Goddess Sri asking for abundant harvests. Generally sung in pentatonic scales (consisting of five tone) and plays a recurring melody. Events like this are usually done in open spaces, while dancing to the accompaniment of traditional musical instruments such as goong, drums, and tarompet. Such art is still preserved in some places in West Java.Birth of Early Modern Angklung 20th century, traditional Angklung began to disappear. In 1938, Sutigna Daeng, a Dutch-educated teacher in Bandung, creating angklung in diatonic scales consisting of seven tones. This marked the birth of modern angklung. Excess Angklung is that it can bring the songs of Western classical and popular that the average tone of the diatonic, so it can reach the musical tastes of the wider community. Now the song being played is no longer revolves around the traditional songs, but also classic songs, pop songs, new age, even rock songs. With modern angklung, melodic rock songs like We Are the Champions and Bohemian Rapshody of the Queen can be performed by a musical instrument Angklung!Angklung "new type" was first introduced to a group of pa Daeng scout children. Having performed by schoolchildren at the Asian-African Conference 1955 in Bandung, Angklung Angklung diatonic or modern society is increasingly recognized to date a variety of extracurricular activities at school. Indeed, at first wanted a pack of Angklung Daeng as an educational tool. His motto is 5 M: Cheap, Easy, Attractive, mass, and Educate. Cheap, because the materials to make musical instrument is cheap and easily available in Indonesia. Easy, because to play Angklung one does not need to have special skills. Interesting, judging from the shape of its uniqueness and how to play. Mass due to play it involves a lot of people. And educate in the sense of this instrument has an element of education other than music

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