Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Arts Angklung Buhun (Bedouin Tribe)

Arts Buhun Angklung Angklung is a typical art Lebak with percussion equipment from bamboo formed in such a way that raises a harmonious tones.

Angklung Angklung Buhun means an old, old (fashioned) who in real sense is the artistic heritage. Named Buhun, because this art is born simultaneously with the presence of Bedouin society. Thus one type of art Baduy the first born is Angklung Buhun which has a value of magic (supernatural powers) and the sacred, but it has significance as a connector mandate to maintain the generation of the Bedouin.

When this group of players Angklung art Buhun very rare or staged. Usually, this art is now only found in rituals, such as custom event in the Seren Taun Cisungsang and Seba in Lebak Bedouin Society.
Arts Buhun has a simple artistic character either in the lyrics or the song. Usually describes the nature around thereby creating a comfortable atmosphere, peaceful and harmonious

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